Sunday, 28 April 2013

Blast from the Past? NOT ‘ARF!

As a young ‘un, I was lucky enough to spend a most enjoyable 3½  years being brought up in the astonishingly brilliant country of New Zealand. 

So, imagine my glee whilst touring Ye Olde Beer Shoppes of York yesterday, when my merry little band of revellers had lunchtime noms at The Gourmet Burger, that just so happens to be owned by 3 Kiwis who know quite a bit about making food taste, um . . . . tasty.

Then, imagine my (thankfully inward) squeal when I found L&P* listed on the drinks menu.


*definitive NZ soda pop; last supped by myself in July 1986 and desperately missed ever since (along with Hokey Pokey Ice Cream, Moro Bars, Raro, Rashuns, Milo and Mello Yello).

After this brief encounter, I thankfully remembered we now have a thingumijig called the Internet at our relish-infused fingertips, so I decided to do some L&P-based Googling.

Finally, imagine my lump-in-throat moment upon finding this awesome-if-you-spent-any-childhood-Summers-in-New Zealand advert, which basically sums up my down-under upbringing in 46 seconds flat.

. . . . and that is the story of how a lovely wee walk around the historic city of York led me so far down Memory Lane, I needed a map and a compass, and a man who knew how to use a map and a compass, to get me back again.




PS. I also found this site:

 Darn you Google. Darn you to heck.

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